Bed bugs
The common Bed Bug (Cimex Lectularius) is found worldwide and surprisingly frequently throughout Britain.
It is becoming more common in hotel and hostel accommodation. The importance of Bed Bug control is mostly associated with the unpleasant irritation caused by their bites. Major infestations are charachterised by a distinctive odour.
Biology – Diagram
Female Bed Bugs lay up to 200 eggs at a rate of 4-5 times a day. Resultant nymphs resemble the adults and develop through a series of moults before reaching full development, which usually takes around 4 months. Adult Bed Bugs are wingless and flat when they have not recently fed. When fed, they become oval in shape and their red-brown colour changes to dark mahogany. Bed Bugs feed on mammalian blood, principally human but also that of dogs, cats and rodents. They are nocturnal parasites and they emerge at night in search for prey. By day they hide in crevices; in beds, wallpaper, skirting boards and furniture.

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